Rimmel: Vinyl Gloss in Keep a Secret

What they say:
Vinyl Gloss now has a great shine magnifying formula for beautiful juicy looking lips that are bursting with colour. Its technology features a boosted magnifying Vinyl Shine Complex for a perfectly sculpted pout that is up to 80% shinier! The formula also boasts incredible light refraction and high colour retention.

What I say: This gloss is quite shiny but not as much as they advertised it to be. It's a yummy sweet scent but not so great for taste. Typical lip gloss wand but it is very easy to apply to all corners of the lip. The shade I picked doesn't add any color to my lip so it's mainly just a sheer wash of glossiness.

Lip Gloss Ratings
Shiny: 4/5
Color: 3/5
Longevity: 3/5
No stickiness: 3/5
Scent/Smell: 4/5
Value: 4/5

Overall: 21/30 C+

Just an average lipgloss. Nothing too special but at the same time not really any faults. Good to pick up if there is a sale going on.

Bare Lips

With Rimmel Vinyl Gloss in Keep a Secret

Swatch on my hands


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